absolute valuethe value of a number without regard to its sign
Additive Inverse Property

states that every real number added to its additive inverse (or opposite) will equal zero: For all real numbers a, a + (-a) = 0; also called Inverse Property of Addition

coefficienta number that multiplies a variable
common denominatora number that is a multiple of all of the denominators in a group of fractions
Distributive Property

states that the product of a number and a sum equals the sum of the individual products of the number and the addends: for all real numbers a, b, and c, a(b + c) = ab + ac

equationa statement that describes the equality of two expressions by connecting them with an equals sign
formulaa type of equation—usually reserved for multi-variable equations that describe a well-known or often repeated calculation
Inverse Operationsoperations that undo or cancel one another, such as addition/subtraction and multiplication/division
multi-step equationan equation that requires more than one step to solve
Multiplicative Inverse Property

states that any number multiplied by 1 over that number equals 1: For all real numbers a, ; also called Inverse Property of Multiplication

numeric constanta quantity that has a known, fixed value
operationa mathematical procedure, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Property of Equalitystates that the equality of an equation is maintained when both sides have the same value added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided
variablea symbol that represents an unknown value