Solving Equations


Learning Objective(s)

·         Isolate variables using the Inverse Property or Inverse Operations.

·         Solve algebraic equations using the Properties of Equality.




Math is all about equations. Numerical equations give us a precise way to describe, share, and solve problems. Algebraic equations let us explore even further by giving us a way to tackle problems that include unknown quantities.


In order to succeed in algebra, you must understand what equations are and how to write and solve them.


Parts of an Equation


An equation is a mathematical statement that two expressions are equal. In a simple numerical equation, expressions made of numbers and operations appear on each side of an equals sign. The equals sign means that the two expressions have the same value. For example, 3 + 9 = 12 is an equation. The expression on the left, 3 + 9, has the same value as the expression on the right, 12. They are written in different ways, but both represent the same amount.


Algebraic equations are made of more than just numbers—they also contain variables, symbols that stand for an unknown quantity. Variables are usually letters, like x, y, or z. Sometimes a variable will be multiplied by a number. This number is called the coefficient of the variable.



In the equation 2y = 14, what is the variable and what is the coefficient?


A) The variable is y and the coefficient is 2.

B) The variable is y and the coefficient is 14.

C) The variable is 14 and the coefficient is 2.

D) The variable is 2 and the coefficient is y.


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The correct answer is option A. The variable is y and the coefficient is 2. A variable is a symbol, and a coefficient is a number that is multiplied by a variable.



Solving Equations


Equations are not fixed—they can be rearranged, as long the equality of the two sides is maintained. We rewrite equations in order to make them simpler, or to solve them.


Solving algebraic equations often means isolating the variable, or rewriting the equation so that one expression is only the variable with a coefficient of 1. To get a variable alone, we have to find a way to shift the rest of its expression and the original coefficient to the other side of the equation. 


Isolating Variables with the Inverse Property


There are two ways to get a variable alone using the Inverse Property.


The Additive Inverse Property says that any number added to its opposite equals zero. We can use this property to get rid of any values around the variable term.


For example, in the expression y + 2, we can remove the 2 by adding its opposite, -2.  y + 2 + (-2) is y + 0. That’s just y.  We’ve cleared a number from the expression by adding its opposite.



The Multiplicative Inverse Property says that when we multiply any number by its inverse, the result is 1.


Consider the expression 4y. 4 is the coefficient of the variable y. We want the variable to have a coefficient of 1. So let’s multiply 4y by the multiplicative inverse of 4. That number is ¼. When we multiply ¼ times 4y the 4’s cancel out, leaving just 1y. We’ve turned the coefficient of y into 1 by multiplying the coefficient by its multiplicative inverse.




Isolating Variables with Inverse Operations


There’s a slightly different way to do the same thing—to clear away terms and reduce coefficients to 1—and that’s by carrying out Inverse Operations. Some people find this idea easier to work with than the Inverse Property. Inverse operations come in pairs—one operation undoes the other.  A non-math example of inverse operations is tying and untying your shoelaces. Tying your shoe creates a simple knot; untying your laces undoes this knot.


In mathematics, addition and subtraction are inverse operations—anything added by addition can be removed by subtraction.


For example, consider the expression 9 + 8. We can “undo” the addition of 8 by carrying out the inverse operation and subtracting 8.  9 + 8 – 8 is just 9. The addition and subtraction of 8 have canceled each other out.



Multiplication and division are also inverse operations. Multiplication can be undone by division, and division can be undone by multiplication. In the expression 6x, x is multiplied by six. We can undo the multiplication by dividing by 6. 6x divided by 6 is just x.





How would you isolate the variable in the expression?


A) Divide by 3.

B) Multiply by.

C) Multiply by 3.

D) Divide by n.


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A) Divide by 3. Incorrect. You can undo one operation by applying the inverse operation. Since the variable n is being divided by 3, the inverse operation is not another division but instead multiplication by 3. The correct answer is multiply by 3.


B) Multiply by.

Incorrect. You can clear a coefficient by multiplying it by its inverse. The inverse of 1/3 is 3, not 1/3. Or you can undo one operation by applying the inverse operation. Since the variable n is being divided by 3, the inverse operation is not another division but instead multiplication by 3. The correct answer is multiply by 3.


C) Multiply by 3.

Correct. You can clear a coefficient by multiplying it by its inverse. The inverse of 1/3 is 3. Or you can undo one operation by applying the inverse operation: the division of n by 3 can be undone by multiplication by 3.


D) Divide by n.

Incorrect. Isolating a variable means removing its coefficient so that the variable remains and has a coefficient of 1. Division by n removes the variable and isolates the coefficient. The correct answer is multiply by 3.




Solving Equations with the Properties of Equality


The Inverse Property and Inverse Operations are only half the story in rearranging equations. Remember, the definition of an equation is that it is a statement of the equality of two expressions.  One way to think about an equation is to imagine the expressions that make it up sitting on each side of a balance scale.  Because the expressions have the same value, the scale is balanced.


When we add, multiply, subtract, or divide one of those expressions, we change its value. If that’s all we do, we’ve unbalanced the scale—the two sides of the equation are no longer equal.


Lucky for us, the Properties of Equality explain how we can keep the scale and the equation in balance. Whenever we do an operation on one side of an equation, if we also do the exact same thing to the other side, we keep both sides equal.


Let’s see how this works with a simple numeric equation, ½(10) − 1 = 4. Let’s get rid of the -1 on the left side of the equation by adding its opposite, +1.


We need to balance this change by doing the exact same thing to the right side of the equation. So we must also add +1 to 4.


Because -1 + 1 = 0, the expression on the left becomes just ½(10). On the right side of the equation, 4 +1 equals 5, so that expression is now 5. Notice that the two sides of the equation still balance—they are still equal to one another.





How would you solve the equation 5 + 7z = 19?


A) Subtract 5 from both sides of the equation and then divide both sides by 7.

B) Divide both expressions by 7 and then add -5 to each side of the equation.

C) Add -5 to the left side of the equation and then multiply by 1/7.

D) Add 5 to both sides of the equation and then multiply each side by 7.


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A) Subtract 5 from both sides of the equation and then divide both sides by 7.

Correct. You can isolate a variable by using inverse operations to first remove other terms in the expression and then to clear the coefficient of the variable. As long as the same operations are done to both sides of the equation, equality is maintained.


B) Divide both expressions by 7 and then add -5 to each side of the equation.

Incorrect. You must clear the other terms in the expression and then change the coefficient of the variable to 1. The correct answer is to subtract 5 from both sides of the equation and then divide both sides by 7.


C) Add -5 to the left side of the equation and then multiply by 1/7.

Incorrect. The equality of an expression is lost if the same operations are not done to both sides of the equation. The correct answer is to subtract 5 from both sides of the equation and then divide both sides by 7.


D) Add 5 to both sides of the equation and then multiply each side by 7.

Incorrect. You can isolate a variable by adding the inverse of other terms and multiplying by the inverse of the coefficient. But the inverse of 5 is -5, and the inverse of 7 is 1/7. The correct answer is to subtract 5 from both sides of the equation and then divide both sides by 7.






Equations are mathematical statements that combine two expressions of equal value.


There are several techniques for solving algebraic equations, which are equations with variables. They all have the same goal—isolating a variable on one side of an equation by using the properties of equality and inverse to shift all the other terms to the other side of the equation.