distributive property of multiplication over additionThe product of a sum and a number is the same as the sum of the product of each addend and the number. For example, 3(4 + 2) = 3(4) + 3(2).

A number or mathematical symbol that is multiplied by another number or mathematical symbol to form a product. For example, in the equation 4 5 = 20, 4 and 5 are factors.

factoringThe process of breaking a number down into its multiplicative factors.
greatest common factor (GCF)

The product of the prime factors that two or more terms have in common. The greatest common factor of xyz and 3xy is xy.


A polynomial with exactly one term. 4x, −5y2, and 6 are all examples of monomials.

polynomialA monomial or the sum or difference of two or more monomials.
prime factorA factor that only has itself and 1 as factors.
prime factorization

The process of breaking down a number (or expression) into its prime multiplicative factors. For example, the prime factorization of 12xy is 2 • 2 • 3 • xy.

prime numberA prime number is a natural number with exactly two distinct factors, 1 and itself. The number 1 is not a prime number because it does not have two distinct factors.