arithmetic operationsThe operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

The expression that is being raised to a power when using exponential notation. In 53, 5 is the base, which is the number that is repeatedly multiplied. 53 = 5 • 5 • 5. In ab, a is the base.


When a number is expressed in the form ab, b is the exponent. The exponent indicates how many times the base is used as a factor. Power and exponent mean the same thing.

exponential notation

A shorter way to write repeated multiplication. For example, 24 means 2 2 2 2. Two is used as a factor 4 times.

grouping symbolsSymbols such as parentheses, braces, brackets, and fraction bars that indicate the numbers to be grouped together.
order of operationsThe rules that determine the sequence of calculations in an expression with more than one type of computation.

In an exponent ab, the power is represented by b. The power indicates how many times the base is used as a factor. Power and exponent mean the same thing.