conclusionthe part of a logical statement that provides the result or consequences of the hypothesis—In a statement “If x then y”, the conclusion is y.
conjecturea statement that attempts to make a conclusion but has not been proved true or false
counterexamplea situation that provides evidence that a logical statement is false
deductive reasoninga form of logical thinking that uses generalizations to draw specific conclusions based on a series of logical steps, deductive reasoning may use rules, laws, and theories to support or justify a conjecture
generalizethe process of using observations of specific events to make statements or conjectures about more general situations
hypothesisthe part of a logical statement that provides the premise on which the conclusion is based—In a statement “If x then y,” the hypothesis is x.
inductive reasoninga form of logical thinking that makes general conclusions based on specific situations, inductive reasoning takes the path of observation to generalization to conjecture
justifyprovide a logical argument for a conclusion or conjecture
logical argumenta series of statements, each verifiable as true, that lead to a conclusion
logical statementa statement that allows drawing a conclusion or result based on a hypothesis or premise